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Rusthall St Paul’s CE Primary School







School Meals


 School Dinners/Packed Lunches

  • School Dinners we provide a healthy and tasty school meal every day. Our new catering company from September 2020 is Nourish
  • School Dinners Payment: Meals cost £2.77 per day (£13.85 per week) We are now a CASHLESS SCHOOL meaning all meals need to be paid for online via your Parentmail account. Please make payment on a Monday morning for the week ahead, or at least on the morning of the day your child requires a meal. 
  • Universal Free School Meals for Infant children: From September 2014 all pupils in Reception, year 1 and year 2 are entitled to a Universal free school meal everyday.
  • Other Free School Meals: Families who receive certain benefits are entitled for their child to receive a Free School Meal. If you feel your child is eligible for this, please contact the School Office in confidence.
  • Packed lunches should be sent in a named lunchbox not in a carrier bag to avoid confusion.  Please ensure drinks bottles are also clearly named.  St Paul’s is a healthy eating school and we would very much welcome your cooperation with not including sweets and chocolate bars as part of their packed lunch.
  • We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL so no products containing nuts are allowed in school (peanut butter, Nutela and other chocolate and nut based spreads included)