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Rusthall St Paul’s CE Primary School







Our Vision and Ethos

Growing together, learning forever 

Jesus said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.” (Matthew 13:31 – 32 New International Version) 

Our vision is based on Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed, where the smallest seed grows into a mighty tree. We believe our school is like the tree, a home for children, parents, staff and community members to grow and flourish. 

We are committed to nurturing growth in all, inspiring a passion for learning, fostering intellectual curiosity and personal development. Through an inspiring curriculum, innovative teaching practices, meaningful relationships, and a culture of continuous improvement, everyone is empowered to become lifelong learners making a positive impact on the world. 

Our Vision explained 

Our Christian vision has its foundation in teachings about compassion, social justice, and the inherent worth of everyone. The school community adopted the parable of the mustard seed to symbolise our context and our belief that we can all grow and flourish. Flourishing is at the heart of our vision. Jesus gives us the promise,  

           “I have come that you may have life in all its fullness” John 10:10.  

Following Jesus offers us a broader, deeper, social, moral, cultural, relational and spiritual life. However, flourishing is never an individual pursuit, but one based on our relationships with others and the communities in which we live.  Our vision is to cultivate a community where the seeds of potential are sown, nurtured, and allowed to flourish. We believe that by embracing the principles of belonging and growth, we can create a future where every individual thrives and contributes positively to society.  We live the mantra; “I am because we are...’ derived from the Zulu word Ubuntu. 

The curriculum at Rusthall is one that defines our ethos, culture and a framework to promote the school mission, aims and values. At the heart of our curriculum is the development of individuality, core life values and beliefs, and an ability to learn. A young person’s talents and interests are nurtured through a breadth of experiences and where insatiable curiosity is engendered. It aims to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills they will need for future success. The curriculum not only teaches subject knowledge but also teaches pupils to have pride and to set themselves high standards. It is underpinned by four curriculum values; academic excellence, personalisation, learning to learn and character development. Our commitment to providing an inspiring curriculum that excites students' desire to learn is aligned with the Christian value of nurturing potential. The parable of the Mustard Seed emphasises the importance of growth from small beginnings, which can be interpreted as acknowledging and fostering the unique potential within each student, their God-given talents.  

There is much debate on what kind of seed the parable refers to, but it is believed that the plant was quick growing and provided shelter for many birds. In the same way, Jesus' mission attracted outsiders and outcasts. Everyone was welcome and had a place within it. For us at Rusthall this symbolises the inclusivity of our school, a school where all pupils are welcome and the ‘right soil and growing conditions’ will lead to growth and flourishing for all.  The focus on personalisation reflects the Christian value of individual care and attention, recognising that each student's journey is unique and deserves tailored support.  

Character education is intertwined in every experience the pupils' encounter. Our six Christian values; belonging, respect, growth, compassion, ambition and individuality are taught with a focus on one value each term. Nelson Mandela's quote, “Knowledge is power, but it is development of character that determines an ability to use it widely” highlights the importance of combining intellectual growth with moral development. This is in harmony with Christian teachings that emphasise the development of moral virtues and ethical behaviour. 

The core curriculum values of academic excellence, personalisation, meta-cognition, and character development aligns with many theological principles. Academic excellence reflects the pursuit of one's God-given talents, while character development resonates with teachings about moral virtues and ethical behaviour. The emphasis on meta-cognition and thinking skills equips students with the ability to reflect on their learning processes. By teaching them how to think critically and be reflective practitioners, the curriculum empowers students to understand their own thinking patterns and become more effective learners and responsible citizens.  

In conclusion, by creating a curriculum that emphasises academic growth, personalisation, meta-cognition, and character development, we are nurturing the potential within each student while also keeping in mind the ethical and moral dimensions of education.  This approach acknowledges that education involves more than just academics, catering to students' physical, emotional, and creative aspects. This approach is aligned with the teachings of compassion, social justice, and individual worth found in a theologically rooted Christian vision.